Chute Liner Mounting Systems
Typical Problems
- Poor bolting and retention systems, like countersunk bolts, are still being offered by designers and suppliers based on price
- Most current systems still require personnel on both sides of the chute to fit both liners and bolts correctly
- After bolt heads wear off liners fall out and damage belts and downstream processes
- Damaged bolts are difficult to remove from the chute & require cutting
- Liners need to be removed early to avoid bolt failure
- Lack of choice in what retention system is best for each liner application
- Having personnel only on the one side for mounting and securing adds a significant safety advantages having less personnel doing the job as well as not having personnel in potential confined areas
Makuri Solutions
Makuri can supply a wide range of mounting options to suit existing site fitment practices and can custom-design additional systems to suit individual requirements.
We have developed many proprietary and patented designs that address the demands of the industry for safer and faster relines in most applications and working to cover all such liners applications and conditions as a priority.
Applying the correct liner mounting system allows us to guarantee a lower TCO and provide greater sustainability to our industry
We understand process plant front end maintenance and operational practices better than most. Contact us to see how we can optimise your process plant front end to improve overall plant throughput, maximise asset utilisation and lower carbon footprint